A Concise History of Future China

A Concise History of Future China



The first ethnic Chinese play selected by Berliner Festspiele Theatertreffen Stückemarkt 2016 A thought of millions of people, reverses South and North Connected fates are the journeys swallowed by you and me… A country on the brink of civil war. Two generations, two cities, two opposite journeys. Time levels divide and intermingle. It's now. A man who witnesses pain loves watching musicals, but he doesn't know how to dance, sing and act. One night, he saw a chorus girl -- the sinister girl -- who's not exceptionally beautiful in a show at the national theatre in the capital in the north; nevertheless, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Hence, he kept going back to the same show next night. The third night, the fourth, and numerous nights. On the last night, he told her his feeling. The sinister girl promised to be with him, nonetheless, he had to sacrifice his ability to see. This deal was set because of her family history. Then they had to flee from north to the south ...... It's future. The outsider held a box and destined to travel to the north from the south though he didn't know the content of the box, though everyone was fleeing from the north to the south. In the journey, he came across with various incompleted subjects: The white bone lady, The man without heart beat, The cat with a hole, The chairman ...... The two time lines are seemingly parallel, but is the 'reality' real?
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Hong Kong

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